Questions...  Point and click on the question of your choice.  The answer will appear in the Answer section below.  You can view the entire list of questions by using the scroll bar to page up or down.
Who does the follow-up on the claims?
What information does DARA need to file your claims?
How is the information transmitted from my office to DARA?
What is the difference between the Claims Processing Service and Full Practice Management?
Do I have to purchase software?
How quickly and completely can DARA obtain my insurance payments?
Do the insurance and patient payments flow through DARA?
How do I decide between Claims Processing Service or Full Practice Management?
Can DARA help me with my outstanding account receivables?
Why should I consider using DARA Medical Billing Services?
Why should I consider DARA rather than other medical billing services?




2 Cedar Place, Massapequa Park, NY  11762  Phone: (516) 795-0499  Fax: (516) 795-6894

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