Listed below are testimonials from several satisfied clients.  Click on the individual links to read each of the letters.

From Felix M. DiPalma, M.S., CCC  Speech Language Pathologist:
"I have been a customer of PARC Medical Billing Service since its inception in 1995.  In the six years my healthcare practice has been associated with PARC Medical Billing Service, I have experienced the highest quality service imaginable.  I have come to know the staff, and I am pleased with the professional, courteous, and efficient service they afford my practice..."
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From David F. Cuccia, DC  Advanced Back Technologies:
"...If you are considering using PARC for your healthcare practice, I give them my highest recommendation, and I believe you too will be pleased with their beneficial results..."  Read more
From Janet L. Beccaro, MD:
"...On a daily basis, I come in contact with many associates who are private practice primary care physicians.  I have regularly introduced these associates to PARC Medical Billing Service, and I am pleased to say there hasn’t been a single complaint from any of the dozens of associates whom I have referred to PARC..."  Read more
From Wayne J. Yee, DDS:
"I have generally been disappointed by my previous experiences with electronic claims processing.  After 6 years of searching and several failed attempts I finally met Richard at PARC Medical Billing Service. In October 2000, I began to switch all of my Dental Claims Insurance processing through his office. I found PARC Medical to be reliable and surprisingly very professional unlike the other places that I have worked with..."
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14 Alhambra Road, Massapequa, NY  11758-6602  Phone: (516) 795-6835  Fax: (516) 795-6894

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